
Privacy Policy can be updated any time without prior noticeand the revised Privacy Policy is effective immediately when posted. It will beusers’ responsibility to review the Privacy Policy for the changes. Using thesite, mobile app and any services offered acknowledges your acceptance of themodified privacy policy.

We may collect and store identifiable information when yousign up with VokLaagyo which includes but not limited to your name, emailaddress and phone number. We may also collect non identifiable informationincluding IP address to analyze trend, demographics etc.

We provide services jointly with our restaurant partners(VokLaagyo Restaurant Partners). We share some of the information, in order tohelp them provide better services to our users. We may also share someinformation to our business partners. This will enable them to contact you forany services or products that may be of interest to you.

We may also share Identifiable Information when we believerelease is appropriate to comply with the law or a court order; enforce orapply this Privacy Policy, VokLaagyo terms and conditions; or protect therights / safety of VokLaagyo and its users.

We may share or disclose non identifiable information withour partners to improve our quality. Summary information can be also publishedfor promotional purposes.

You can always choose not to provide information, althoughit may be required to engage in activities on VokLaagyo. You can opt out of ourpromotional emails at any time you desire.

Security of the information is taken very seriously andevery precaution are taken to protect the security of information and data.Unfortunately, there is no absolute guarantee on secure data transmission overthe Internet. Hence, we cannot guarantee the security of any informationtransmitted to or from the Website, and will not be held responsible for theactions of any third parties that may receive any such information.

This Privacy Policy only addresses the use and disclosure ofinformation we collect from you. Other websites that may be accessible throughus have their own privacy policies and we are not responsible third partiespolicies or practices.

You can freely contact us for any clarifications or queries.